Pre-planning a funeral 101
Ask anyone whose family member pre-planned a funeral and one thought comes to mind–it’s a gift or a blessing. The passing of a loved one is difficult, and the feelings of sadness, honor, and responsibility play a large part in the decision making process. Pre-planning a funeral allows your family to focus on healing and coming together without the added pressure of having to make the various decisions concerning funeral services and burial.
Pre-arrangement, also called pre-need, can be discussed at any age and plans can be easily amended as your preferences or circumstances change.
Pre-planning covers the following:
- Consultation with a professional funeral director
- Choosing a memorial service
- Selecting a casket
- Preparing a document or letters that can be used as a guide for your wishes
- Payment, which is placed in an irrevocable trust and eliminates the need for your family to pay at the time of the funeral
Benefits to pre-planning are:
- Eliminates possible emotional over-spending
- Find the value you want at the prices you want
- Lock in to today’s prices
- Peace of mind for you and your loved ones
Here is a checklist for planning your service or a loved one’s in advance:
- What kind of service you would like such as: funeral, cremation, burial, graveside, memorial
- Additional events such as: viewing, wake, reception, visitation, special mourning traditions
- Personal touches such as: specific location, certain people to officiate/give eulogy/do readings, pallbearers, music, charity donation organizations, people to be notified.
Contact us today to speak with us about free pre-arrangement consultation.