Goldsteins’ Jewish Calendar Artwork

To register your pre-school to participate in the artwork for the Goldsteins’ Annual Jewish Calendar, simple complete the form below and someone will contact you this winter to let you know which month.

Each year Roth-Goldsteins’ Memorial Chapel creates a calendar of all the Jewish holidays, candle lighting times and secular holidays and so much more. The focal point of our calendar has always been the artwork created by talented artists featuring Judaic art and holidays. We select a small group of local educational programs to contribute, and are requesting artwork that will fill the months of the calendar.

Any and all artwork related to the Jewish Life is acceptable. Students are asked to work in color, which could include water colors, crayons, paint, colored pencils and markers to create their artwork. They may also make collages either from individuals or from an entire class, but we ask that no pre-printed materials from magazines, newspapers or books be used. The school will receive recognition in the calendar. Along with your artwork, please submit a brief 50 word history of your synagogue or educational program. We reserve the right to edit it for space and content.

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