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Martin Gorodetzer


GORODETZERMARTIN B., Nov. 11, 2005; husband of Sheila (nee Mazer), father of Leonard (Paula) Gorodetzer and Jay (Laura) Gorodetzer. Brother of Jerry (Marsha) Gorodetzer, grandfather of Zach, Sammy, Paul, Nicole and Misha. Relatives, friends and members of Wolfe Baron Lodge #56 of Brith Shalom and Carl Lopatin Lodge of Brith Shalom are invited to Funeral…

Myrna Borasky


BORASKYMYRNA (nee Rubin), June 14, 2004, wife of the late Jack; mother of Ilene Borasky. Relatives and friends are invited to Graveside Services Tuesday, 10 A.M. precisely, at Shalom Memorial Park (Sec. M-3), Huntingdon Valley PA. Shiva will be observed at the home of Ilene Borasky. Contributions in her memory may be made to Fox…

Jessie Marcus


MARCUSJESSIE PLESS, June 27, 2007, formerly of Phila., wife of the late Morris P., mother of Arthur Marcus and Pennie Marcus (Deborah Levenson), sister of Lillian Berman, Relatives and friends are invited to Funeral Services Sun. 1:30 P.M. precisely GOLDSTEINS' ROSENBERG'S RAPHAEL SACKS, 6410 N. Broad St. Int. Har Jehuda Cem. Contributions in her memory…



April 30, 2019. Sister of Dr. Herman (Helen) Greenberg. Relatives and friends are invited to funeral services Wednesday 9:30AM precisely at Goldsteins' Rosenberg's Raphael Sacks Suburban North, 310 Second Street Pike, Southampton, Pa. 18966. Interment Mt. Sharon Cemetery. Shiva will be observed at the home of Herman and Helen Greenberg.

Harry Lomazoff


LOMAZOFF HARRY, March 19, 2003, husband of Anna (nee Madnick), father of Marlene Renee, and Shirley Zey, brother of Joseph Lomazoff, and Morris Lomazoff; also survived by nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends are invited to graveside services Fri. 1 P.M. precisely Montefiore Cem. (Section 17). The family will return Friday only until 6:30 P.M.…

William Kosseff


KOSSEFFWILLIAM, Oct. 7, 2006. Captain U.S. Air Force (Ret). Winner of the Purple Heart and the Air Medal for his service to his country in WWII. Loving husband of Beatrice Kosseff; father of Robert (Carolyn R. Schlecker) Kosseff and Alexandra (Joshua D.) Martin; brother of Roz Goldstein; beloved grandfather of Dina Williams, Shari Ellenbogen, Sheri…

Joel Levin


LEVINDR. JOEL L., June 9, 2007; beloved husband of Paula (nee Teplitsky); devoted father of Dr. Michael (Emily) Levin and Rachel (Kenneth) Lemberg; loving brother of Ellen Kauffman and Richard Levin; loving grandfather of Zoe and Isaac Louis. Relatives and friends are invited to Graveside Services Tues., 11 A.M. precisely at Mt. Sharon Cemetery, (Sec.…



COHENEILEEN FRANCES (nee Schafus), a friend to many passed away on June 2, 2014. Wife of Bill. Mother of Jason Cohen and Jonathan (Amanda) Cohen. Daughter of Claire and the late Frank Schafus. Grandmother of Jordan and Alexa. Sister of the late Cindy Silverman. Aunt of Amy Licht. Eileen had been a histologist, medical equipment…



SEGAL, D.O.LEONARD B., March 8, 2016. Beloved husband of Eileen (nee Abrams). Loving father of Nina (William Kennedy) and the late Kim Rebecca. Dear brother of Jerry (Ellen). Adoring Pop-Pop of Isabel, Sam and Reed. Services and Interment are PRIVATE. A Memorial Service will be held later this month. Shiva will be observed at his…



PERALLAN S. PER, PhD., on Oct. 24, 2016. Brother of Sheldon (Carolyn) Per; uncle of Stephanie Per, Tracy (Charles) McCoy, Geoffrey (Beth) Per. Also survived by 9 great nieces and nephews. Relatives and friends are invited to Grave-side Services Wednesday 11 A.M. precisely at King David Memorial Park (Sec. LL), 3594 Bristol Rd., Bensalem, PA.…